Thursday, 10 November 2011

Concept Specifications

Project Overview:

Make studies and develop the pre-production concept art for a sci-fi/horror game featuring demonic entities.

A main character, the final boss, two monsters and two environments shall be developed during the project, although only the main character and the final boss shall be taken to a final stage.

Project Development:

At first a few games, artists and films selected to be main references for my project will be studied.

The games ‘Heavy Rain’, ‘Demon’s Souls’, ‘Dark Souls’, ‘Kill Zone’ 1, 2 and 3, ‘Deus EX’ and ‘Dead Space’ will be taken as visual and gameplay reference. The concept art studio ‘Massive Black’, the comic book ‘Spawn’ from Todd McFarlane and its parallel stories ‘Spawn Dark-Ages’ will also be taken as a main point of reference for the visual concepts. This list may be expanded during the project development as other games and artists I discover during my research could also have relevant concepts and styles I consider to be useful references.

The 1986’s film “The Flight of the Navigator” from ‘Walt Disney Studios’, will be another reference, however its major contribution is related to the storyline of my game. The game’s storyline is not yet definite, although a short script based on this film shall be written to guide my concept studies. The development of a storyline will be important to define the context of the game: where is it going to happen, when is it going to happen, who is the main character and how does he develop and who and how are the monsters to be developed.

Once the storyline of the game is defined and the contextualization is clear, a series of paper based rough sketches around the main character and final boss will be developed first. These first sketches shall not be detailed and the main objective of those sketches will be defining the silhouette, structure and size of the main characters. Also based on these sketches, particularly the final boss’ sketches, a few secondary monsters shall be developed. At the same time, I will be studying the main references I’ve collected. These studies will help me to define style and also to collect ideas for my concepts.

After I reach a satisfying series of sketches around these two main characters, I shall discuss its qualities in class. The feedback and analysis I receive will help me to choose the two options that I will take to a next level of development. Once the concepts that are suitable to my project are chosen, the next level of development in terms of detail and finalization will get started. Details such as suits, face and assets will start to be developed, going through the same process of development faced before.

Having the characters defined, with individual sheets for each of them, the action poses and facial expression for the main character and the final boss will be developed. One action scene in an environment will also be developed to a finalized illustration level.

Delivery Items:

-A document with the development sketches for the main character, final boss and secondary monsters;
-A sheet with two action poses and three facial expressions for the main character;
-A sheet with two action poses and three facial expressions for the final boss;
-A finalized illustration with an action scene in an environment between the final boss and the main character.

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