In a distant corner of the universe, in between the center of the Sombrero galaxy, lies a little hot planet. Populated by in-numerous little villages and towns, disconnected from each other and with no governor, the little planet Makemake survives of intergalactic trade and business. Populated by all kind of creatures and species, Makemake is a old west of the space.
Full of him self, proud of his quiff and smart with the words, our hero George is a playful wanderer that has no one other than his native loyal and well trained bird brained pet dragon. Always looking for a opportunity, our adventurer is an expert prankster and a vagrant. Playing with fire and shadows, our ani-hero plays shadow-theatre and save villages from the fearful dragon.
My character aims an audience of 14+.
Full of him self, proud of his quiff and smart with the words, our hero George is a playful wanderer that has no one other than his native loyal and well trained bird brained pet dragon. Always looking for a opportunity, our adventurer is an expert prankster and a vagrant. Playing with fire and shadows, our ani-hero plays shadow-theatre and save villages from the fearful dragon.
My character aims an audience of 14+.
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